Wednesday May 23.
Today was a much needed break from the rainy weather we have been having. It was absolutely beautiful. After class, Emily, Macord, Melissa and I went to a couscous restaurant for lunch in the Marais. It was so good, even the bowls were beautiful!
After lunch we got on the train to Versailles to visit the gardens. We ended up getting on the wrong train and it took twice as long to get there. But it was still fun, we absolutely love the countryside and were just giddy the whole trip.
i thought that little girl in the stroller was so funny playing with her baguette. |
When we finally got to Versailles, we wandered through the gardens for a little but I was really only wanting to see the Hameau, Marie Antoinette's play village. I had heard wonderful things about it from my mom but I had no idea what it actually looked like. For anyone interested in visiting Versailles, I would honestly recommend seeing the Hameau over seeing the chateau. You have to enter through the Petit Trianon, and it is a separate fee than the main chateau. We were excited to get in free with our student cards. Those things have literally saved me a ton. Once we got to the Hameau, we came across a pretty little lake and this family of geese under a shady tree.

I could already tell it was going to be magical. As we wondered through the village, I had so much fun photographing the cottages and all the little details. Each building had a special purpose, there was a mill, a bedroom, a fishing house, an aviary, a lighthouse, a dairy etc. and each one had its own garden. I was surprised that they were full sized, I had imagined that they would be miniature sized play houses. There was also a lot more open space than I thought.The farm and mill were actually used back in the day for agricultural purposes and not just for play. The whole village was so calm and peaceful and just so charming! I can completely understand why Marie Antoinette would have liked coming here rather than staying in the castle all the time.
on the left is the queen's cottage where she had free reign to do as she pleased. On the right you can see the lake and in the background, the farm. We spent some time relaxing in the shade of this tree. |
the farm included space for cows and sheep |
on the right is the inside of the fishing house |
because I know you're wondering, i am in fact wearing a cream colored sweater under my dress. don't worry. |
on the right is the 'boudoir' where Marie Antoinette would sleep by herself. |
The farm is separate from the rest of the village and holds chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, turkeys, and even a peacock. |
I was thinking about my mom the whole time and wishing she could be there with me. Hope you like the pictures Mom!
After the Hameau we went back to the Grand Canal in the gardens and kicked our feet in the water for a little. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.
xoxo Heather
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